Dad. The title may be ordinary, but the ingredients of being a good dad are anything but. Fathering, like mothering, is one intense, never-let-up, high-stress job. None-the-less, it is the most rewarding job there is!
Jamar contacted me a few weeks back with a simple request. He had heard of my photography and wanted family portraits of his growing broad. I was beyond thrilled at his request, to say the least. Thrilled because family portraits are by far my most favorite moments to capture but even more ecstatic because it was a dad requesting a photo shoot. Sorry men, but I think we can all agree that posing and grinning for photographs is not part of the all-male package, for most at least!
On July 4th while some were prepping their BBQ grills, setting up their beach gear and fireworks, along with their reds, whites and blues, I met up with Jamar and his four seedlings at the beautiful Frederiksted Pier. And what a treat they were!

They were all matching in their jeans and khakis and bright smiles!

This foursome was definitely picture-perfect!
Pictured here are little D'Nayah, D'Nasia, Demar and Jamar.

Growing up without my father was a bit rough for me. I always longed for that connection and affection from my dad. As a married mother of two, one of my goals has always been to help create a special bond between my children and their father because I strongly believe fathers and mothers have unique and complementary roles in the home. Many studies have shown the importance and priceless value that fathers have with their children and I think that's why capturing this photo session was so special for me.

Everytime I think of the stereotypes of our black men in our community and the myth that all black and hispanic homes are fatherless, I remember that it is just a myth--yes, a myth. And fathers like Jamar are proving just that. They ARE present and they WANT to be a part of their child's life! I continue to pray for our young men and fathers and continue to be hopeful that more and more fathers step up to the challenge! May God bless Jamar and his beautiful family!