Nothing could have been more perfect for Adelina & Ian's beautiful wedding day. On a nice cool afternnoon with beautiful skies, the stars truly aligned to make this moment absolutely magical.

Adelina & Ian tied the knot on April 16, 2016 in an intimate, beach wedding surrounded by approximately 30 of their closest family & friends. They wanted to honor the natural beauty of their home and decided on one of the world's most beautiful beaches- Magen's Bay, St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands.

I have known Adelina, (or Addie as most people call her) for many, many years! We worked alongside each other for 6+ years and became really good friends. In fact, we are somehow related (3rd cousins or something to that extent ha!) so maybe its in our blood. Needless to say, I was beyond elated when she contacted me to give me the big news -- She was getting hitched! Even more exciting news came when she asked ME to capture her magical day. It was truly an honor!

Matron of Honor, Brenda Medina shares an intimate moment with the bride just before heading to the ceremony.

Father/daughter moments always make me teary-eyed. Addie is the oldest of four girls and has always been the apple of her dad's eyes. Manuel aka "Rosa" was beaming with pride as his little girl was now soon to be Mrs. Smith.

The air was fresh and cool, the sand was soft as silk & the blue waters were tranquil and inviting. The fresh flowers adorned the bride's bouquet and the groom was dapper with his island-esque attire. Their forever was about to begin.

Ian and Addie met in June of 2008. Addie had found, what she always wanted--her prince, a true Jamaican prince at that! The catch? She was living on the sister island of St. Croix and he was on St. Thomas. This did not stop them from drawing closer and closer together.
In 2009, with the support of her family and friends, Addie transferred to the University of the Virgin Islands on St. Thomas campus to continue pursuing her degree (and of course be closer to her love). This made their relationship even closer. His gestures of kindness and pure love toward Addie, quickly swept her off her feet. Always the determined, strong woman Adelina graduated in 2014, with her Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting and has made St. Thomas her home.

Anxiously waiting for the beautiful bride, Ian shares a fun moment with his uncle & close mentor Dennis Taylor.

Marriage is truly a process. The individuals in a relationship, as well as the marital relationship itself, go through stages and have the potential for continuous growth. Strong, healthy marriages do not just happen by chance. Rather, each spouse in the marriage has chosen to continue growing together. With Addie and Ian I have seen just that. They continue to grow & nourish each other into a beautiful union for years to come!

"She sells, sea shells by the seashore"-- and perfect sea shells they were. The gorgeous peaches, yellows and fuschia made this intimate beach wedding absolutely perfect!

Becoming a strong marriage takes lots of focus, determination and overall, LOVE! Throughout the past 8+ years Ian and Adelina have become a very close couple and I know they will continue to be strong in their marriage as well.

There is a well known quote by Ashley Willis that I love and it says, "A strong marriage rarely has two strong people at the same time. It’s usually a husband and wife taking turns being strong for the other."
Addie & Ian may God continue to bless your union of Love!